Posted by Craige McWhirter on
Last edited

George Fong opened covering an extraordinary time in history, the birth of the Internet and in particular it's origins in Australia.

George made some interesting points about Linux and the community:

There was some coverage of the common foundations of Internet communities and the rough consensus.

"Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept" - Jon Postel

Discussed the impact and challenges of mobile devices, the Internet of things and the reliability of maintenance.

Covered the innovation of the hacker / maker community doing a better job in some cases than the manufacturers.

Made some interesting points about how the Internet became a scary place, the rift between the tech community and commercial users.

Discussed the erosion of civil digital liberties and the interference of the state in devices.

The frustrations about metadata laws were touched and quoted Michael Cordover.

George wrapped up covering the loss of integrity and trust. A heightened awareness of the human impact.

"The cavalry are not coming. We are the cavalry" - George Fong

George gave an interesting and thought provoking keynote. Well worth watching when the video becomes available.

George Fong