Posted by Craige McWhirter on
Last edited

NixOS Daedalus Gears by Craige McWhirter

Daedalus Flight was recently released and this is how you can build and run this version of Deadalus on NixOS.

If you want to speed the build process up, you can add the IOHK Nix cache to your own NixOS configuration:


nix.binaryCaches = [
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [

If you haven't already, you can clone the Daedalus repo and specifically the 1.0.0 tagged commit:

$ git clone --branch 1.0.0

Once you've cloned the repo and checked you're on the 1.0.0 tagged commit, you can build Daedalus flight with the following command:

$ nix build -f . daedalus --argstr cluster mainnet_flight

Once the build completes, you're ready to launch Daedalus Flight:

$ ./result/bin/daedalus

To verify that you have in fact built Daedalus Flight, first head to the Daedalus menu then About Daedalus. You should see a title such as "DAEDALUS 1.0.0". The second check, is to press [Ctl]+d to access Daedalus Diagnostocs and your Daedalus state directory should have mainnet_flight at the end of the path.

If you've got these, give yourself a pat on the back and grab yourself a refreshing bevvy while you wait for blocks to sync.

Daedalus FC1 screenshot