Posted by
Craige McWhirter on
Last edited
Nick Moore
- Price and feature set are a game changer for hobbyists.
- Makes for a more playful platform.
- Uses serial programming mode to flash memory
- Strict power requirements
- The easy way to use them is with a NodeMCU for only a little more.
- Tool kits:
- Lua: (Node Lua).
- Javascript: Espruino.
- Forth, Lisp, Basic(?!).
- Mircopython works on the
- Drives micro controllers.
- The onboard Wifi.
- Can run a small webserver to view and control devices.
- WebRepl can be used to copy files, as can mpy-utils.
- Lacks:
- an operating system.
- Lacks multiprocessing.
- Debugger / profiler.
- Flobot:
- Compiles via MicroPython.
- A visual dataflow language for robots.
ES8266 and MicroPython provide an accessible entry into working with