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Craige McWhirter on
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Bradley Kuhn presented his
thoughts on a comprehensive plan for the next decade of
- Copyleft is a strategy to defend Free
- Gave an example of OpenStack as a project where proprietary updates are not
being released back upstream.
- Quoted Martin Fink from Hewlett
Packard Enterprise as stating that we should start forking non-Copyleft
projects as AGPL projects. Taunted HP by stating
he looked forward to HP's AGPL fork of OpenStack. I could not find a reference
for this quote but did find this strongly worded post: Change Your
from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
- Proportionate reduction in Copyleft software the reason it's "not working".
- Copyleft is complimentary not contradictory to other strategies.
- Referred to his LCA2015 talk on attacks to Copyleft.
- Rhetoric attacks replaced with co-option and astroturfing.
"If Copyleft is not enforced, there is no observable difference between
Copyleft and non-Copyleft."
-- Bradley Kuhn
- Doesn't expect companies will ever do enforcement on behalf of the community.
- Opposition's political strategy:
- Convince developers that Copyleft is "old-hat" or harms adoption.
- Fund them to write non-Copyleft code.
- For projects that are Copyleft:
- Don't let developers keep their own copyrights.
- Don't enforce Copyleft on behalf of the community.
- Vilify community enforcers
- If enforcing, sell out for other goals ie: money
- Spoke about some the issues around corporate lawyers.
- Anti-Copyleft lawyers are amazing organised
- Alleges there are secret meetings where they actively workshop anti-Copyleft
- Provided two examples of this.
Always Have a Plan
- Copyleft opponents are more savvy than they were previously.
- Demand from your employers to own the copyrights on your work.
- Copyleft is better enforced by multiple copyright holders.
- Return to volunteer coding.
- Write AGPL'd software , Free Software on your own time.
- Be willing to fork non-Copyleft projects.
- Listed examples of companies replacing Copyleft projects with their own.
- Believes that the Linux kernel modules will be the next battle ground.
Perhaps the definitive battleground.
- More and more GPL violators are deliberately violating.
- Their goal is to test and extend the limits of violation.
- Enforcement is a zero sum game.
- If Copyleft wins, software that should be free is liberated.
- If they win, software that should be free remains proprietary.
- Enforcement done for profit is a path to corruption.
How to Help
- Developers join the enforcement coalitions
- Financially support the Software Freedom
- Complete Corresponding Source has to work.
- Software Freedom is the underdog.
- Called for a community of individuals to stand up for the GPL.
- A community of cooperating individuals is our strength
- Which is how Free Software started.
- Conservancy can't act alone.