Posted by
Craige McWhirter on
Last edited
by Digital K.
The video of the talk is here.
- Recommended for ages 10 - 16
- Why Minecraft?
- Kids familiarity is highly engaging.
- Relatively low cost.
- Code their own creations.
- Kids already use the command line in Minecraft
- Use the Minecraft API to receive commands from Python.
- Place blocks
- Move players
- Build faster
- Build larger structures and shapes
- Easy duplication
- Animate blocks (ie: colour change)
- Create games
Option 1:
How it works:
- Import Minecraft API libraries to your code.
- Push it to the server.
- Run the Minecraft client.
What you can Teach:
- Co-ordinates
- Time
- Multiplications
- Data
- Art works with maths
- Trigonometry
- Geo fencing
- Design
- Geography
Connect to External Devices:
- Connect to Raspberry Pi or Arduino.
- Connect the game to events in the real world.
Other Resources: