Posted by Craige McWhirter on
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AKA: The Joy of juju run

Package upgrades across an OpenStack cloud do not always happen at the same time. In most cases they may happen within an hour or so across your cloud but for a variety reasons, some upgrades may be applied inconsistently, delayed or blocked on some servers.

As these packages may be rolling out a much needed patch or perhaps carrying a bug, you may wish to know which services are impacted in fairly short order.

If your OpenStack cloud is running Ubuntu and managed by Juju and MAAS, here's where juju run can come to the rescue.

For example, perhaps there's an update to the Corosync library libcpg4 and you wish to know which of your HA clusters have what version installed.

From your Juju controller, create a list of servers managed by Juju:

Juju 1.x:

$ juju stat --format tabular > jsft.out

Now you could fashion a query like this, utilising juju run:

$ for i in $(egrep -o '[a-z]+-hacluster/[0-9]+' jsft.out | cut -d/ -f1 | sort -u);
do juju run --timeout 30s --service $i "dpkg-query -W -f='\${Version}' libcpg4" | \
python -c 'import yaml,sys;print("\n".join(["{} == {}".format(y["Stdout"], y["UnitId"]) for y in yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)]))';

The output returned will look something like this:

2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ceilometer-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ceilometer-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ceilometer-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == cinder-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == cinder-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == cinder-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == glance-hacluster/3
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == glance-hacluster/4
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == glance-hacluster/5
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == keystone-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == keystone-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == keystone-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == mysql-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == mysql-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == mysql-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ncc-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ncc-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == ncc-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == neutron-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == neutron-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == neutron-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == osd-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == osd-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == osd-hacluster/2
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == swift-hacluster/1
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == swift-hacluster/0
2.3.3-1ubuntu4 == swift-hacluster/2

Juju 2.x:

$ juju status > jsft.out

Now you could fashion a query like this:

$ for i in $(egrep -o 'hacluster-[a-z]+/[0-9]+' jsft.out | cut -d/ -f1 |sort -u);
do juju run --timeout 30s --application $i "dpkg-query -W -f='\${Version}' libcpg4" | \
python -c 'import yaml,sys;print("\n".join(["{} == {}".format(y["Stdout"], y["UnitId"]) for y in yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)]))';

The output returned will look something like this:

2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-ceilometer/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-ceilometer/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-ceilometer/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-cinder/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-cinder/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-cinder/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-glance/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-glance/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-glance/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-heat/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-heat/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-heat/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-horizon/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-horizon/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-horizon/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-keystone/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-keystone/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-keystone/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-mysql/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-mysql/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-mysql/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-neutron/0
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-neutron/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-neutron/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-nova/1
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-nova/2
2.3.5-3ubuntu2 == hacluster-nova/0

You can of course substitute libcpg4 in the above query for any package that you need to check.

By far and away my most favourite feature of Juju at present, juju run reminds me of knife ssh, which is unsurprisingly one of my favourite features of Chef.