Posted by Craige McWhirter on
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NixOS Gears by Craige McWhirter

Deploying a vanilla Tiny Tiny RSS server on NixOS via NixOps is fairly straight forward.

My preferred method is to craft a tt-rss.nix file describes the configuration of the TT-RSS server.


{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

{ = {
    enable = true;                                # Enable TT-RSS
    database = {                                  # Configure the database
      type = "pgsql";                             # Database type
      passwordFile = "/run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass";   # Where to find the password
    email = {
      fromAddress = "news@mydomain";              # Address for outgoing email
      fromName = "News at mydomain";              # Display name for outgoing email
    selfUrlPath = "https://news.mydomain/";       # Root web URL
    virtualHost = "news.mydomain";                # Setup a virtualhost

  services.postgresql = {
    enable = true;                # Ensure postgresql is enabled
    authentication = ''
      local tt_rss all ident map=tt_rss-users
    identMap =                    # Map the tt-rss user to postgresql
        tt_rss-users tt_rss tt_rss

  services.nginx = {
    enable = true;                                          # Enable Nginx
    recommendedGzipSettings = true;
    recommendedOptimisation = true;
    recommendedProxySettings = true;
    recommendedTlsSettings = true;
    virtualHosts."news.mydomain" = {                        # TT-RSS hostname
      enableACME = true;                                    # Use ACME certs
      forceSSL = true;                                      # Force SSL

  security.acme.certs = {
      "news.mydomain".email = "email@mydomain";


This line from the above file should stand out:

              passwordFile = "/run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass";   # Where to find the password

The passwordFile option requires that you use a secrets file with NixOps.

Where does that file come from? It's pulled from a secrets.nix file (example) that for this example, could look like this:


{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  deployment.keys = {
    # Database key for TT-RSS
    tt-rss-dbpass = {
      text        = "vaetohH{u9Veegh3caechish";   # Password, generated using pwgen -yB 24
      user        = "tt_rss";                     # User to own the key file
      group       = "wheel";                      # Group to own the key file
      permissions = "0640";                       # Key file permissions


The file's path /run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass is determined by the elements. So deployment.keys determines the initial path of /run/keys and the next element tt-rss-dbpass is a descriptive name provided by the stanza's author to describe the key's use and also provide the final file name.

Now that we have described the TT-RSS service in tt-rss_for_NixOps.nix and the required credentials in secrets.nix we need to pull it all together for deployment. We achieve that in this case by importing both these files into our existing host definition:


      myhost =
        { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:


          imports =
              ./secrets.nix                               # Import our secrets
              ./servers/tt-rss_for_NixOps.nix              # Import TT-RSS description

          deployment.targetHost = "";   # Target's IP address

          networking.hostName = "myhost";              # Target's hostname.

To deploy TT-RSS to your NixOps managed host, you merely run the deploy command for your already configured host and deployment, which would look like this:

    $ nixops deploy -d MyDeployment --include myhost

You should now have a running TT-RSS server and be able to login with the default admin user (admin: password).

In my nixos-examples repo I have a servers directory with some example files and a README with information and instructions. You can use two of the files to generate a TT-RSS VM to take a quick poke around. There is also an example of how you can deploy TT-RSS in production using NixOps, as per this post.

If you wish to dig a little deeper, I have my production deployment over at mio-ops.