Those of you familiar with the ASUS EeePC 701 will be aware of it's limited memory (512M) and small internal drive (4G) which doesn't render it useless but does reduce it's modern usage.
I have two of these still in perfect working order and wanted to extend their functional lives. I have no need of any more routers and there are Raspberry Pi's everywhere here. I do have kids though and decided these would make great, ready made portable retro gaming consoles.
This blog post details how I installed NixOS and configured the 701's to overcome their short comings to extend their life.
Have a copy of the NixOS manual handy. It will also be at [ALT]+[F8] once the installer has booted.
With only a little deviation from section 2.2.2. Legacy Boot (MBR) we format the SD card to be the root disk and the internal drive as swap:
Create an MBR on the internal drive:
# parted /dev/sda -- mklabel msdos
Create the root partition on the SD card:
# parted /dev/sdc -- mkpart primary 1MiB 100%
Create the swap partition on the internal drive:
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary linux-swap 1MiB 100%
As per section 2.2.3 Formatting we now format the drives appropriately.
Format and label the / partition:
# mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sdc1
Format the swap partion:
# mkswap -L swap /dev/sda1
Now you can just continue to follow section 2.3 Installing and configure the system as you desire. I initially use a bare bones install and it can be read here. It's worth taking a brief look at if you're new to NixOS.
The section worth copying is related to how the kernel uses memory on this old i386 system:
nixpkgs.config = {
packageOverrides = pkgs: {
stdenv = pkgs.stdenv // {
platform = pkgs.stdenv.platform // {
kernelExtraConfig = ''
HIGHMEM64G? n # 32-bit proc with > 4G RAM
HIGHMEM4G y # 32-bit # proc # with # =< # 4G # RAM
Do not copy my import of retro-gaming.nix, that's a for after a successful install and a future blog post.
Once you've completed the install, the EeePC 701 ought to reboot into NixOS successfully.