An Open Letter to the Bishop of Rockhampton

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

An Open Letter to the Bishop of Rockhampton

Good evening Michael. How are you?

I had the pleasure this morning of reading your stance against the Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation being considered by the Queensland Government.

I was surprised however to see that such a learned disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ was advocating to prolong the agony, pain and suffering of the vulnerable in our community.

My wife has a form of cancer for which there is no cure. Fiona suffers greatly every day and yet is a tower of strength and inspiration to those who know her and a beacon of hope to cancer sufferers around the world.

Despite this, Fiona knows that at some point the pain is going to be too great, even for her, after many years of suffering the pain will be overwhelming.

Your position on this legislation directly advocates prolonged suffering of many, many beautiful people in our community is directly at odds with Jesus' most valuable teachings - compassion.

We would like the opportunity to meet with you this week to both discuss this issue and invite you to come and live with us for a month in our home. This offer provides you with an opportunity to answer the question from 1 John 2:3-6 - how would Jesus walk in our shoes?

It's only a couple of blocks from the Cathedral, you could even walk daily with our young children to TCC - they would appreciate such a wonderful learning opportunity and they have many, many questions that need answering.

Our home is inviting and comfortable. We value compassion, music, learning, community volunteering and sport. Our library is well stocked with what I expect is the best personal library in Central Queensland.

Whilst staying with us you will not only gain an understanding of how people with incurable cancer suffer but you can join us, walking in Jesus' footsteps as we provide food, tea and coffee for the homeless on the waterfront.

Please let me know a time when the three of us can meet to discuss this.

Thank you in advance with love from Craige and Fiona.

The Consensus on Branch Names

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

Consensus: Decisions are reached in a dialogue between equals

There was some kerfuffle in 2020 over the use of the term master in git, the origins of the term were resolutely settled so I set about renaming my primary branches to other words.

The one that most people seemed to be using was main, so I started using it too. While main was conveniently brief, it still felt inadequate. Something was wrong and it kept bubbling away in the background.

The word that kept percolating through was consensus.

I kept dismissing it for all the obvious reasons, such as it was too long, too unwieldy, too obscure or just simply not used commonly enough to be familiar or well understood.

The word was persistent though and consensus kept coming back.

One morning recently, I was staring at a git tree when the realisation slapped me in the face that in a git workflow the primary / master / main branches reflected a consensus point in that workflow.

Consensus: Decisions are reached in a dialogue between equals

That realisation settled it pretty hard for me, consensus not only accurately reflected the point in the workflow but was also the most correct English word for what that branch represented.

Continue the conversation on Matrix.

Raising Free People: Unschooling as Liberation and Healing Work

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

by Akilah S. Richards

Raising Free People: Unschooling as Liberation and Healing Work

I'm making an effort to try and keep my reading more contemporary this year and this is the book I've started with - an insight into the Unschooling movement, a movement I was wholly unaware of.

Akilah's first-person writing uses her family's journey through unschooling to illustrate the traps, setbacks, success and triumphs her family has experienced along the way.

Our family defines unschooling as a child-trusting, anti-oppression, liberatory, love-centered approach to parenting and caregiving. As unschoolers, the four of us operate with a core belief that children own themselves and that parents and other adults work with children to nurture their confident autonomy not their ability to obey adults’ directives.

-- Akilah S. Richards

There are plenty of parenting nuances I'd already picked up along the way but many I had not thought about deliberately or had collected as a considered approach which I found insightful. There was also a lot of completely new perspectives on parenting which I found refreshing and intuitive.

If we can accept any form of oppression, we are susceptible to all forms of oppression. That mindset is imperative in our efforts to raise free people, because we are retraining ourselves to spot the ways we participate in oppression

-- Akilah S. Richards

Both Akilah's journey, the lessons learned and the insights that she brings ring strongly of the Socratic notion that to change the world, we must start with ourselves. It's much easier to focus our energies externally at politicians or corporations but if we do not start with ourselves and those we raise, we are just perpetuating the problems, not removing them.

This is why raising free people work is revolutionary. It’s both pushback and buildup; it is protest but also pivoting. It’s getting mad and frustrated and deciding exactly what to do to feel better and to live better, to not just fight against oppression and injustice but to facilitate freedom and prioritize joy.

-- Akilah S. Richards

"Raising free people" has been and continues to be the over-arching ethos of my approach to parenting, which is what initially attracted me to this book. While I did certainly get a lot self-congratulatory moments where the author made some key points I was already all over, there were also plenty of times I felt rightly called out for having missed and where I need to do better.

This is not only a highly recommended book to read but also one I'll be keeping handy to re-read and use as an occasional reference and touchstone.

Sober Living for the Revolution

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

by Gabriel Kuhn

Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics

This is not a new book, having been published in 2010 but it's a fairly recent discovery for me.

I was never part of the straight edge scene here in Australia but was certainly aware of some of the more prominent bands and music in the punk scene in general. I've always had an ear for music with a political edge.

When it came to the straight edge scene I knew sweet FA. So that aspect of this book was pure curiousity. What attracted me to this work was the subject of radical sobriety and it's lived experience amongst politically active people.

In life, if you decide to forgo something that everybody else does, it gives you a perspective on society that that you wouldn't have if you were just engaging. It teaches you a lot about the world.

-- Ian MacKaye

This was one of the first parts of the book to really pop out at me. This rang true for my lived experience in other parts of my life where I'd forgone things that everyone else does. There were costs in not engaging but Ian is otherwise correct.

While entirely clear eyed about the problems of inebriation amongst Australian activists and in wider society as a whole, the titular concept of sober living for the revolution had not previously resonated with me.

But then I realised that if you do not speak that language, you recognise that they are not talking to you... In short, if you don't speak the language of violence, you are released from violence. This was a very profound discovery for me.

-- Ian MacKaye

While my quotes are pretty heavily centered on one individual, there are about 20 contributors from Europe, the middle east and both North and South America provding reasonably diverse perspective on the music but more importantly the inspiration and positive impacts of radical sobriety on their communities.

As someone who was reading primarilly for the sober living insights, the book's focus on the straight edge scene was quite heavy to wade through but the insights gained were worth the musical history lessons.

The only strategy for sharing good ideas that succeeds unfailingly... is the power of example — if you put “ecstatic sobriety” into action in your life, and it works, those who sincerely want similar things will join in.

-- Crimethinc

Overall this book pulled together a number of threads I'd been pulling on myself over my adult life and brought them into one comical phrase: lucid bacchanalism.

I was also particularly embarassed to have not previously identified alcohol consumption as not merely a recreation but yet another insidious form of consumerism.

Well worth a read.

Crisis Proofing the Australian Economy

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison

To The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister,

No doubt how to re-invigorate our economy is high on your mind, among other priorities in this time of crisis.

As you're acutely aware, the pandemic we're experiencing has accelerated a long-term high unemployment trajectory we were already on due to industry retraction, automation, off-shoring jobs etc.

Now is the right time to enact changes that will bring long-term crisis resilience, economic stability and prosperity to this nation.

  1. Introduce a 1% tax on all financial / stock / commodity market transactions.
  2. Use 100% of that to fund a Universal Basic Income for all adult Australian citizens.

Funding a Universal Basic Income will bring:

  • Economic resilience in times of emergency (bushfire, drought, pandemic)
  • Removal of the need for government financial aid in those emergencies
  • Removal of all forms of pension and unemployment benefits
  • A more predictable, reduced and balanced government budget
  • Dignity and autonomy to those impacted by a economic events / crisis
  • Space and security for the innovative amongst us to take entrepreneurial risks
  • A growth in social, artistic and economic activity that could not happen otherwise

This is both simple to collect and simple to distribute to all tax payers. It can be done both swiftly and sensibly, enabling you to remove the Job Keeper band aid and it's related budgetary problems.

This is an opportunity to be seized, Mr Morrison.

There is also a second opportunity.

Post World War II, we had the Snowy River scheme. Today we have the housing affordability crisis and many Australians will never own their own home but a public building programme to provide 25% of housing will create a permanent employment and building boom and resolve the housing affordability crisis, over time.

If you cap repayments for those in public housing to 25% of their income, there will also be more disposable income circulating through the economy, creating prosperous times for all Australians.

Carpe diem, Mr Morrison.

Recognise the opportunity. Seize it.

Dear Readers,

If you support either or both of these ideas, please contact the Prime Minister directly and add your voice.

Building Daedalus Flight on NixOS

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

NixOS Daedalus Gears by Craige McWhirter

Daedalus Flight was recently released and this is how you can build and run this version of Deadalus on NixOS.

If you want to speed the build process up, you can add the IOHK Nix cache to your own NixOS configuration:


nix.binaryCaches = [
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [

If you haven't already, you can clone the Daedalus repo and specifically the 1.0.0 tagged commit:

$ git clone --branch 1.0.0

Once you've cloned the repo and checked you're on the 1.0.0 tagged commit, you can build Daedalus flight with the following command:

$ nix build -f . daedalus --argstr cluster mainnet_flight

Once the build completes, you're ready to launch Daedalus Flight:

$ ./result/bin/daedalus

To verify that you have in fact built Daedalus Flight, first head to the Daedalus menu then About Daedalus. You should see a title such as "DAEDALUS 1.0.0". The second check, is to press [Ctl]+d to access Daedalus Diagnostocs and your Daedalus state directory should have mainnet_flight at the end of the path.

If you've got these, give yourself a pat on the back and grab yourself a refreshing bevvy while you wait for blocks to sync.

Daedalus FC1 screenshot

Installing LineageOS 16 on a Samsung SM-T710 (gts28wifi)

Posted by Craige McWhirter on
  1. Check the prerequisites
  2. Backup any files you want to keep
  3. Download LineageOS ROM and optional GAPPS package
  4. Copy LineageOS image & additional packages to the SM-T710
  5. Boot into recovery mode
  6. Wipe the existing installation.
  7. Format the device
  8. Install LineageOS ROM and other optional ROMs.

0 - Check the Prerequisites

  • The device already has the latest TWRP installed.
  • Android debugging is enabled on the device
  • ADB is installed on your workstation.
  • You have a suitably configured SD card as a back up handy.

I use this android.nix to ensure my NixOS environment has the prerequisites install and configured for it's side of the process.

1 - Backup any Files You Want to Keep

I like to use adb to pull the files from the device. There are also other methods available too.

$ adb pull /sdcard/MyFolder ./Downloads/MyDevice/

Usage of adb is documented at Android Debug Bridge

2 - Download LineageOS ROM and optional GAPPS package

I downloaded from gts28wifi.

I also downloaded Open GApps ARM, nano to enable Google Apps.

I could have also downloaded and installed LineageOS addonsu and addonsu-remove but opted not to at this point.

3 - Copy LineageOS image & additional packages to the SM-T710

I use adb to copy the files files across:

$ adb push ./ /sdcard/
./ 1 file pushed. 12.1 MB/s (408677035 bytes in 32.263s)
$ adb push ./ /sdcard/
./ 1 file pushed. 11.1 MB/s (185790181 bytes in 15.948s)

I also copy both to the SD card at this point as the SM-T710 is an awful device to work with and in many random cases will not work with ADB. When this happens, I fall back to the SD card.

4 - Boot into recovery mode

I power the device off, then power it back into recovery mode by holding down [home]+[volume up]+[power].

5 - Wipe the existing installation

Press Wipe then Advanced Wipe.


  • Dalvik / Art Cache
  • System
  • Data
  • Cache

Swipe Swipe to Wipe at the bottom of the screen.

Press Back to return to the Advanced Wipe screen.

Press the triangular "back" button once to return to the Wipe screen.

6 - Format the device

Press Format Data.

Type yes and press blue check mark at the bottom-right corner to commence the format process.

Press Back to return to the Advanced Wipe screen.

Press the triangular "back" button twice to return to the main screen.

7 - Install LineageOS ROM and other optional ROMs

Press Install, select the images you wish to install and swipe make it go.

Reboot when it's completed and you should be off and running wtth a brand new LineageOS 16 on this tablet.

Deploying TT-RSS on NixOS

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

NixOS Gears by Craige McWhirter

Deploying a vanilla Tiny Tiny RSS server on NixOS via NixOps is fairly straight forward.

My preferred method is to craft a tt-rss.nix file describes the configuration of the TT-RSS server.


{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

{ = {
    enable = true;                                # Enable TT-RSS
    database = {                                  # Configure the database
      type = "pgsql";                             # Database type
      passwordFile = "/run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass";   # Where to find the password
    email = {
      fromAddress = "news@mydomain";              # Address for outgoing email
      fromName = "News at mydomain";              # Display name for outgoing email
    selfUrlPath = "https://news.mydomain/";       # Root web URL
    virtualHost = "news.mydomain";                # Setup a virtualhost

  services.postgresql = {
    enable = true;                # Ensure postgresql is enabled
    authentication = ''
      local tt_rss all ident map=tt_rss-users
    identMap =                    # Map the tt-rss user to postgresql
        tt_rss-users tt_rss tt_rss

  services.nginx = {
    enable = true;                                          # Enable Nginx
    recommendedGzipSettings = true;
    recommendedOptimisation = true;
    recommendedProxySettings = true;
    recommendedTlsSettings = true;
    virtualHosts."news.mydomain" = {                        # TT-RSS hostname
      enableACME = true;                                    # Use ACME certs
      forceSSL = true;                                      # Force SSL

  security.acme.certs = {
      "news.mydomain".email = "email@mydomain";


This line from the above file should stand out:

              passwordFile = "/run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass";   # Where to find the password

The passwordFile option requires that you use a secrets file with NixOps.

Where does that file come from? It's pulled from a secrets.nix file (example) that for this example, could look like this:


{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  deployment.keys = {
    # Database key for TT-RSS
    tt-rss-dbpass = {
      text        = "vaetohH{u9Veegh3caechish";   # Password, generated using pwgen -yB 24
      user        = "tt_rss";                     # User to own the key file
      group       = "wheel";                      # Group to own the key file
      permissions = "0640";                       # Key file permissions


The file's path /run/keys/tt-rss-dbpass is determined by the elements. So deployment.keys determines the initial path of /run/keys and the next element tt-rss-dbpass is a descriptive name provided by the stanza's author to describe the key's use and also provide the final file name.

Now that we have described the TT-RSS service in tt-rss_for_NixOps.nix and the required credentials in secrets.nix we need to pull it all together for deployment. We achieve that in this case by importing both these files into our existing host definition:


      myhost =
        { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:


          imports =
              ./secrets.nix                               # Import our secrets
              ./servers/tt-rss_for_NixOps.nix              # Import TT-RSS description

          deployment.targetHost = "";   # Target's IP address

          networking.hostName = "myhost";              # Target's hostname.

To deploy TT-RSS to your NixOps managed host, you merely run the deploy command for your already configured host and deployment, which would look like this:

    $ nixops deploy -d MyDeployment --include myhost

You should now have a running TT-RSS server and be able to login with the default admin user (admin: password).

In my nixos-examples repo I have a servers directory with some example files and a README with information and instructions. You can use two of the files to generate a TT-RSS VM to take a quick poke around. There is also an example of how you can deploy TT-RSS in production using NixOps, as per this post.

If you wish to dig a little deeper, I have my production deployment over at mio-ops.

Deploying and Configuring Vim on NixOS

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

NixOS Gears by Craige McWhirter

I had a need to deploy vim and my particular preferred configuration both system-wide and across multiple systems (via NixOps).

I started by creating a file named vim.nix that would be imported into either /etc/nixos/configuration.nix or an appropriate NixOps Nix file. This example is a stub that shows a number of common configuration items:


with import <nixpkgs> {};

vim_configurable.customize {
  name = "vim";   # Specifies the vim binary name.
  # Below you can specify what usually goes into `~/.vimrc`
  vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
    " Preferred global default settings:
    set number                    " Enable line numbers by default
    set background=dark           " Set the default background to dark or light
    set smartindent               " Automatically insert extra level of indentation
    set tabstop=4                 " Default tabstop
    set shiftwidth=4              " Default indent spacing
    set expandtab                 " Expand [TABS] to spaces
    syntax enable                 " Enable syntax highlighting
    colorscheme solarized         " Set the default colour scheme
    set t_Co=256                  " use 265 colors in vim
    set spell spelllang=en_au     " Default spell checking language
    hi clear SpellBad             " Clear any unwanted default settings
    hi SpellBad cterm=underline   " Set the spell checking highlight style
    hi SpellBad ctermbg=NONE      " Set the spell checking highlight background
    match ErrorMsg '\s\+$'        "

    let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1   " Use powerline fonts
    let g:airline_theme='solarized'     " Set the airline theme

    set laststatus=2   " Set up the status line so it's coloured and always on

    " Add more settings below
  # store your plugins in Vim packages
  vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
    start = [               # Plugins loaded on launch
      airline               # Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
      solarized             # Solarized colours for Vim
      vim-airline-themes    # Collection of themes for airlin
      vim-nix               # Support for writing Nix expressions in vim
    # manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
    # opt = [ phpCompletion elm-vim ];
    # To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
    # autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion

I then needed to import this file into my system packages stanza:

  environment = {
    systemPackages = with pkgs; [
      someOtherPackages   # Normal package listing
        import ./vim.nix

This will then install and configure Vim as you've defined it.

If you'd like to give this build a run in a non-production space, I've written vim_vm.nix with which you can build a VM, ssh into afterwards and test the Vim configuration:

$ nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A vm --arg configuration ./vim_vm.nix
$ export QEMU_OPTS="-m 4192"
$ export QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::18080-:80,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22"
$ ./result/bin/run-vim-vm-vm

Then, from a another terminal:

$ ssh nixos@localhost -p 10022

And you should be in a freshly baked NixOS VM with your Vim config ready to be used.

There's an always current example of my production Vim configuration in my mio-ops repo.

Deploying Gitea on NixOS

Posted by Craige McWhirter on

NixOS Gitea by Craige McWhirter

I've been using GitLab for years but recently opted to switch to Gitea, primarily because of timing and I was looking for something more lightweight, not because of any particular problems with GitLab.

To deploy Gitea via NixOps I chose to craft a Nix file (example) that would be included in a host definition. The linked and below definition provides a deployment of Gitea, using Postgres, Nginx, ACME certificates and ReStructured Text rendering with syntax highlighting.


    { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:


      services.gitea = {
        enable = true;                               # Enable Gitea
        appName = "MyDomain: Gitea Service";         # Give the site a name
        database = {
          type = "postgres";                         # Database type
          passwordFile = "/run/keys/gitea-dbpass";   # Where to find the password
        domain = "source.mydomain.tld";              # Domain name
        rootUrl = "https://source.mydomaain.tld/";   # Root web URL
        httpPort = 3001;                             # Provided unique port
        extraConfig = let
          docutils =
            pkgs.python37.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
              docutils                               # Provides rendering of ReStructured Text files
              pygments                               # Provides syntax highlighting
        in ''
          ENABLED = true
          FROM = "gitea@mydomain.tld"
          ENABLED = true
          FILE_EXTENSIONS = .rst
          RENDER_COMMAND = ${docutils}/bin/
          IS_INPUT_FILE = false

      services.postgresql = {
        enable = true;                # Ensure postgresql is enabled
        authentication = ''
          local gitea all ident map=gitea-users
        identMap =                    # Map the gitea user to postgresql
            gitea-users gitea gitea

      services.nginx = {
        enable = true;                                          # Enable Nginx
        recommendedGzipSettings = true;
        recommendedOptimisation = true;
        recommendedProxySettings = true;
        recommendedTlsSettings = true;
        virtualHosts."source.MyDomain.tld" = {                  # Gitea hostname
          enableACME = true;                                    # Use ACME certs
          forceSSL = true;                                      # Force SSL
          locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:3001/";   # Proxy Gitea

      security.acme.certs = {
          "source.mydomain".email = "anEmail@mydomain.tld";


This line from the above file should stand out:

              passwordFile = "/run/keys/gitea-dbpass";   # Where to find the password

Where does that file come from? It's pulled from a secrets.nix file (example) that for this example, could look like this:


    { config, pkgs, ... }:

      deployment.keys = {
        # An example set of keys to be used for the Gitea service's DB authentication
        gitea-dbpass = {
          text        = "uNgiakei+x>i7shuiwaeth3z";   # Password, generated using pwgen -yB 24
          user        = "gitea";                      # User to own the key file
          group       = "wheel";                      # Group to own the key file
          permissions = "0640";                       # Key file permissions

The file's path /run/keys/gitea-dbpass is determined by the elements. So deployment.keys determines the initial path of /run/keys and the next element gitea-dbpass is a descriptive name provided by the stanza's author to describe the key's use and also provide the final file name.

Now that we have described the Gitea service in gitea_for_NixOps.nix and the required credentials in secrets.nix we need to pull it all together for deployment. We achieve that in this case by importing both these files into our existing host definition:


      myhost =
        { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:


          imports =
              ./secrets.nix                               # Import our secrets
              ./version-management/gitea_got_NixOps.nix   # Import Gitea

          deployment.targetHost = "";   # Target's IP address

          networking.hostName = "myhost";              # Target's hostname.

To deploy Gitea to your NixOps managed host, you merely run the deploy command for your already configured host and deployment, which would look like this:

    $ nixops deploy -d MyDeployment --include myhost

You should now have a running Gitea server and be able to create an initial admin user.

In my nixos-examples repo I have a version-management directory with some example files and a README with information and instructions. You can use two of the files to generate a Gitea VM to take a quick poke around. There is also an example of how you can deploy Gitea in production using NixOps, as per this post.

If you wish to dig a little deeper, I have my production deployment over at mio-ops.